2025 Neighbors Gathering
Jan 9, 2025
Your Church Council is excited to share an idea that emerged last summer when we spent some time in reflective conversation. We hope to work with you to offer several opportunities this year to gather with diverse groups throughout the Silvana area to engage in relationship-building conversations which might guide us into shared future projects.
On Sunday January 26th we will welcome Pastor Terry Kyllo, of Paths To Understanding. PTU has been focused on sharing a vision of gathering folks together to help heal our many divisions. They call it Let’s Go Together:
We believe in the power of face-to-face relationships. Let’s Go Together invites people of all cultures, faith traditions, ethnic identities and socioeconomic situations to work together for the common good. PTU provides a vision, preparation, and practical support for wisdom communities to build meaningful relationships with their neighbors. (pathstounderstanding.org).
Pastor Terry will join us as guest preacher that day. He will also meet with us for a while following coffee hour to share his vision of building connections, highlight stories of some recent events and inspire us to pursue our own outreach efforts.
I hope you can plan to stay for a bit following coffee hour that day and get informed and inspired.
Here’s to a new year of new connections!
Pastor Annette