"We started here a year ago and fell in love with the warm welcome and open minds. Involvement in the community and giving back is deeply woven in this congregation." -- Jessica Martin and Mike Shroyer

"You feel a part of the Peace family the moment you arrive. Everyone wants to know your name and make an effort to get you connected." -- Sheila Woodington

"Peace is a special place for children. Each one is nurtured and cherished for who they are as individuals!" -- Connie DiGregorio

"I moved back to the community after 40 years and its still feels like home and family. The congregation embodies love and acceptance/inclusiveness of all people! All are truly welcome!" -- Cathy Pryor

About Us…

A Community at the Crossroads

Located at a central intersection in the small, rural town of Silvana, Peace Lutheran stands poised between its proud pioneer history and its emerging future.  The result of a merger in the 1960’s of two earlier Lutheran congregations begun over a century ago by Norwegian and German immigrants, this congregation knows what it means to both honor its past and to embrace change and transition.

Many of our members are long-term participants in this active farming community and have a deep sense of family history and of rootedness to this place. While we value past traditions, there is also a growing eagerness to renew and expand the ministry of this congregation for a new era and a changing community.  We are grateful for what has been, and we also excited to open our hearts to the emerging work of the Spirit which lies ahead of us.

Where will God lead us next? We welcome you to be part of the unfolding journey.