Who are Lutherans?
Who are Lutherans?
One of the simplest ways to describe Lutherans is that we are a “both/and” kind of church. In worship we seek to hold together the richness of our inherited liturgical tradition with the diversity and freshness of contemporary worship styles. In community we value our Reformation roots, the formational legacy of Martin Luther and our Scandinavian/Germanic background, yet we seek to remain a place of hospitality and welcome for people of all cultural and religious backgrounds.
In service we take our global connections seriously, while maintaining a strong commitment to local ministries.
As disciples of Jesus, we foster a rich, personal faith life that is paired with a bold public witness embodied not just in words, but in deeds.
There are a variety of Lutheran bodies, which differ in their positions on various theological and social issues.
Our congregation is part of the Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
We support an inclusive practice of an open communion table, a welcome of all racial and gender identities and a wide diversity among those called to serve as ordained ministers.
For more information about our denominational affiliation, please see: www.Lutheransnw.org and www.Elca.org
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