Help Us Grow
An Invitation to Generous Stewardship
We are here because we care about our faith, have a love for God’s church and have a commitment to be part of the ministry of Peace Lutheran. The life of the congregation is only as vital as the generous participation of its members. Like many other not-for-profits, churches are a nearly all-volunteer effort, funded solely by donations of time, talent, and treasure. Peace Lutheran exists because of YOU!
You may donate via our safe online app by clicking the blue Donate Safely Online box below.
One of the best ways to commit to regular giving is to set up a monthly automatic payment through Simply Giving, or through your local bank. Contact the church office for more information about the Simply Giving option or pick up a brochure in the narthex.
In addition to your regular monthly giving to Peace, you also have an opportunity each month to give as you can to our Mission of the Month, a benevolent gift to one of our local, national or international ministry partners. Each year we designate 12 recipients for this benevolent giving. If you know of a worthwhile ministry we might support, let us know!
Finally, your support of the ministry of the church can continue with legacy gifts or a special bequest indicated in your will.
Please talk with Pastor Annette or your financial planner if you would like more information.
You may also find this ELCA resource, Will and Trust Workbook, helpful. (Just click the name link in bold blue.)
The Rev. Annette Andrews-Lux
Peace Lutheran Church
1717 Larson Road / P.O. Box 100 / Silvana, WA 98287
Office: 360-652-8739 /Cell: 360-661-3620