March Mission of the Month
SALT OF THE EARTH FOOD BANK Salt of the Earth started in 1992 as an outreach to teens on the streets of Everett. Sandra Richards partnered with a dynamic 83 year old woman named Mildred Yager who had a heart for these kids. Sandra began providing sack lunches for the...
Celebrate Fat Tuesday!
Mardi Gras party, Tuesday March 4th 6:00 pm. Come and celebrate with a pancake and bacon dinner! An evening of fun is planned. Bring your favorite dessert to share.
Neighbors Gathering
Come to share a meal and conversation with your Silvana neighbors!
Lutheran World Relief Quilters
The quilters of Peace Lutheran Church meet each 4th Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am to assemble and sew quilts for Lutheran World Relief that are shipped all over the world. We can always use more talented hands.
Men’s Breakfast Study
Men's Breakfast Study meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month except for July and August. They prepare a home-cooked meal in the church kitchen. Then they enjoy their meal and fellowship. Their study follows the Gospel lesson for the next Sunday's...